a journey in His service


It has been almost a month since my last post.  When I have stretches like this when I do not write a  post I find it difficult to return to writing.  I have so many thoughts swirling through my head that I have difficulty sorting through them and choosing a thought that is short enough to put in a post yet has an interesting catch.  Then there is the choice of which story to start the ball rolling.  I have not been absent just ultra busy and sometimes writing just has to take a back seat.

I just finished my newsletter and updating the brand new website with my name.  Go to www.denmoore.com to find all future posts for this blog or cooking with bare necessities.  On my website you will find more information on me and this ministry.  You will be able to view the latest newsletter, blogs and any other updates.  You will have access to my bio and resume there.

So with the Easter Holiday so close I think the next few posts will certainly have to be about the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.  To read those over the next few days visit my website at the link above.

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